Thursday, December 14, 2023

Historymakers honored by Gov Hobbs: Dolan Ellis and Marshall Trimble

Sharing Arizona history in songs and stories, these two great friends continue to be recognized, recently by Governor Katie Hobbs on December 5. Marshall Trimble was named 2019 Arizona Historymaker and Dolan Ellis was named 2023 Arizona Historymaker by the Historical League.

Dolan writes on Facebook:
Thanks to past mayor of Scottsdale, Sam Kathryn Campana, who secured the meeting, Marshall Trimble, (Arizona's Official State Historian), and I were reappointed to our respective positions by Governor Katie Hobbs, in her chambers on the 9th floor of the executive tower, at the state capitol building on West Washington in Phoenix. For me, this reappointment was extra special. Not only is Gov. Hobbs the 13th governor to appoint me as "Arizona's Official State Balladeer, and it is my 57th year at being such, I got to share this honor with my long time pals, Marshall Trimble and and Sam Campana.
But wait, there's more...
Not only that, but in true balladeer style, I whipped out my old geetar and laid a quick serenade on the governor, by singing a couple of new tunes that I have written about Tubac, where Merilee and I now make our home. ("A Toast to the Ghosts of old Tubac" and "On the Border of Mexico".)
Thank you to all involved who made this event so enjoyable.
"The Balladeer"

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