Tuesday, August 27, 2024

NHDAZ students Natasha and Andre Aghenta with Ivy Tao write Thank you notes

 "I have never enjoyed history so much." Appreciative National History Day students write Thank You notes to the Historical League:

We would like to thank you the Historical League for the cash gift for the trip to DC. Without your help, we could have never experienced this exciting competition. During the closing ceremony, we discovered Natasha got second in her group division and Andre got fifth in his division. Thankfully, we had enough time before the competition to explore the beautiful museums and architecture of Washington D.C. Our favorite museum was the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Thank you again, Natasha and Andre Aghenta.
Junior Documentary: Operation Integration: How Carver High School Became a Turning Point in Arizona’s Education System (Natasha)
Junior Performance: Won’t You Be My Neighbor (Andre)
Hello! I know it’s a bit late, but I just wanted to thank you about NHD. I have never enjoyed history so much. NHD has expanded my knowledge so much, and I just wanted to thank you about helping out with it.
Best regards, Ivy Tao
Junior Exhibit: Closed to the Chinese