Monday, September 9, 2024

Dr. Josie Pete attends NHD in Wash. D.C.

On the morning of June 12, I arrived at the National Museum of the African American History, where I was greeted by Dave and Diana Smith! What a wonderful surprise! 

We agreed the excitement and enthusiasm of the hundreds of students in attendance was contagious. It was rewarding to witness the skills and talent demonstrated by the students. The relevance of the research and maturity level of the topics was a testament to the time and effort dedicated to the production of these projects.

I later found Nathan Davies-Venn and his family. His documentary was shown in the theater in the morning. I was proud to meet this talented young man, who did an admirable job of representing Arizona. Nathan’s documentary was on the life of Henrietta Lacks. This experience was sobering in clarifying our role to ensure history is documented and understood by our students. 

The Historical League provides a beacon of hope ensuring that these young people continue to be encouraged and are supported in their educational pursuits.


A special thank you to Cathy Shumard, who kept me updated on the National History Day events.

From June 2024 Historical League Old Ned Newsletter