Fred Harvey and the Harvey Hotels of the Great Southwest, a presentation by Bill J. Harrison, "Arizona's Road Scholar"
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Train travel could be dangerous to your health! In the early 20th Century, rail travel was primitive at best: wooden bench seats, smoke-filled air, no food, no water, no bathrooms. When the train stopped in tiny towns for fuel and water, the unfortunate passengers had only railroad eating houses that served unsavory food of questionable quality. There is a reason why the food was called “grub”, and the hotels along the way, “flea bags”. All this changed dramatically with Fred Harvey, who helped to civilize the Wild West with his restaurants, hotels, and railroad dining cars. Join us for Bill Harrison’s presentation filled with exciting stories and amazing tales of Fred Harvey, the Harvey Girls, and the Harvey Hotels that still grandly serve travelers across the Southwest.
Cost: $5.00, $4.00 for AHS members. Book in advance at 480-929-0292. Does not include admission to the museum. Museum tour available following presentation for additional $8.00; book in advance.