Friday, May 16, 2014

Harvey Girls at Recognition Luncheon

Wanted - young women 18-30 years of age, of good moral character, attactive and intelligent, to waitress in Harvey Eating Houses on the Santa Fe rail line in the West. Wages, $17.50 per month, with room and board. Liberal tips customary. Experience not necessary. Write Fred Harvey, Union Depot, Kansas City, Missouri. This was the ad in 1870 in several East Coast newspapers. And the women came in droves!

Learning about the Fred Harvey and the Harvey Girls was a highlight at the Historical League Spring Luncheon. Guest speaker Ann-Mary Ludzick filled us in on the details and 6 "Harvey Girls" came from Winslow to show the beautiful china used at Harvey Houses. Thanks to Betsy Davis and Leslie Christiansen for organizing such a wonderful way to wrap up the year.