This book strengthens Arizona's culture by sharing
biographies and rare photographs of 58 Historymakers.
Their stories reflect the fabric, growth and diversity of
our state. It also features the important histories of the
book's fourteen sponsors.
This book is a great resource for social study teachers working with the state standards from fourth through twelfth grades. Arizona Historymakers are individuals who bring 20th and early 21st century concepts alive through their pictures and stories that include successes as well as hurdles.
This book is a great resource for social study teachers working with the state standards from fourth through twelfth grades. Arizona Historymakers are individuals who bring 20th and early 21st century concepts alive through their pictures and stories that include successes as well as hurdles.
The Historical League has a program to donate this book to all school and public libraries in Arizona. Thanks to Seth Lansky of Follett Resources, Roosevelt, Alhambra and Phoenix #1 School District will get their donated books. Seth has been instrumental in helping to get these books into schools. The Historical League is very grateful for his help.