Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Diana and David Smith attend NHD National Competition

 Attending the National History Day awards ceremony at the University of Maryland was truly an exhilarating five-hour experience for my husband, David, and me. More than 2,000 students recognized some of the most noteworthy turning point history in the world and celebrated its important impact on our lives. We credit the teachers and students' families, the national and state organizers and especially the hours of work everyone dedicated to making June 2024's event inspiring.

Who/what did we see? More than 2,000 students receiving and being recognized for outstanding work on the 2024 theme—Turning Points in History. We witnessed their enthusiasm to share with everyone why they chose their topic.

Our impression of NHD? A well coordinated effort to recognize students --Junior High Division and High School Division competitions—for their work creating their projects. The team efforts and support of friends cheering their classmates and others from their state was so personally heartwarming. Dave and I believe the students enjoyed NHD. We met many of the students

during a day at Smithsonian's Museum of American History, where selected exhibits were on display. The students hosted visitors and explained their exhibit to all. We saw a wide range of topics (turning points in history) and were able to hear from the students how and why they selected that theme.

Students were advocates for their project—very willing to explain, defend and interact with all

visitors. Many of the exhibit projects were done by two or three students working together, and they said they became better friends because of the project.

We met students at the African American Museum where the documentary projects were show-

cased. Their enthusiasm and focus on their projects and pride of featuring their theme were infectious.

We would definitely go again!

From Old Ned Newsletter June 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024

ASU West selects Tastes & Treasures II for their Valley Common Read Initiative

The League is honored that ASU West has selected our cookbook for their Valley Common Read Initiative with incoming freshmen this fall. The school is purchasing 1,150 books. Along with donating books to AHS Certified Historical Institutions CHIs, it means that we are nearing a complete sell-out of Tastes & Treasures II.

ASU website describes Common Read:

The Common Read is a book selected by committee that the entire first year students at ASU West Valley campus read. The intent is to engage and stir the minds of our students. With all the students reading the same book it fosters student growth. The books may require students to question their belief system, relate to others and build community.

Friday, August 30, 2024

NHDAZ student Owen Yin writes Thank You note

 A feel good Thank YOU note from National History Day AZ student:

My name is Owen Yin. I wanted to thank you for providing the NHDAZ team with shirts, hats, pins, and other goodies.
Thank you for the cash gift, which was much appreciated and was used for our travel expenses. This was an amazing experience being my first time and I can't believe I actually made it as a finalist! It was really cool to see people from all over the world coming together to compete in a subject we are all passionate about. I enjoyed trading pins and collaborating with the NHDAZ team to collect the entirety of the countries and states that competed. I am already looking forward to next year! Thanks again for your support,
Owen Yin
Junior Website: Prescription for Deceit: Arthur Sackler’s Oxycontin and the Birth of Modern Pharmaceutical Marketing
Owen Yin and Adrian Piel in front of th Arizona Statue of Father Kino at the U.S. Capital Visitor Center Emancipation Hall

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Arielle Bowers performs at Juneteenth, First Place Jr Individual Performance State

 Not only did Arielle Bowers win First Place Jr individual performance at National History Day state competition but she also performed at the Juneteenth AZ Heritage Center Celebration.

Hello Mrs. Shumard and Historical League,
I am Arielle Bowers, and I participated in the NHD Nationals. I understand that this message might be coming a bit late, but I am writing to express my gratitude for the cash prize you sent to cover the cost of Nationals. I truly appreciate your kindness. Thank you.
Sincerely, Arielle Bowers
Junior Performance: Master Juba Pioneering Black Dance and Debunking Stereotypes in the Era of Minstrelsy

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

NHDAZ students Natasha and Andre Aghenta with Ivy Tao write Thank you notes

 "I have never enjoyed history so much." Appreciative National History Day students write Thank You notes to the Historical League:

We would like to thank you the Historical League for the cash gift for the trip to DC. Without your help, we could have never experienced this exciting competition. During the closing ceremony, we discovered Natasha got second in her group division and Andre got fifth in his division. Thankfully, we had enough time before the competition to explore the beautiful museums and architecture of Washington D.C. Our favorite museum was the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Thank you again, Natasha and Andre Aghenta.
Junior Documentary: Operation Integration: How Carver High School Became a Turning Point in Arizona’s Education System (Natasha)
Junior Performance: Won’t You Be My Neighbor (Andre)
Hello! I know it’s a bit late, but I just wanted to thank you about NHD. I have never enjoyed history so much. NHD has expanded my knowledge so much, and I just wanted to thank you about helping out with it.
Best regards, Ivy Tao
Junior Exhibit: Closed to the Chinese

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Wallace & Ladmo Show with Julia Taggart on Arizona PBS

 Nice Job by Historical League member Julia Taggart on Arizona PBS August 22, 2024. As President of the Sunnyslope Historical Society, she spoke of the Society's exhibit celebrating 70th Anniversary of The Wallace and Ladmo Show. Click on Arizona PBS August 22

to see her. (FYI - Scroll to the end as she is the final interview).

As part of the 1992 Arizona Historymakers Honorees, The Wallace and Ladmo Show has been featured at Arizona Heritage Center and continues to make us smile.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

First time NHDAZ Participant Max Luo

 Encouraging words from first time participant in NHDAZ:

Dear Mrs. Shumard, Thank you for giving us a generous cash gift to cover our flights and transportation to and from D.C. I had a really fun time. It was very fun to go through the whole process of NHD, especially in the documentary category. Although I didn't make it to finals, I still very much enjoyed NHD. Plus I went further than I expected in my first year, so I was very excited!
Thank You! 😊
Max Luo Junior Documentary: Challenger Disaster—A Tragedy in Space

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Remembering Dr. Reba Wells Grandrud

 Dr. Reba Wells Grandrud, Historical League member and Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame recipient, passed away in Albuquerque, New Mexico on August 10, 2024 at the age of 92.

Her family has requested we not send cards or flowers; instead, send tributes, words of condolences, memories and more to her email address at for her family to put together a book of these messages to have at her service.

Reba’s funeral and Memorial Service are pending until the fall. Our condolences to Reba’s family, friends, colleagues, and everyone who knew her.

Reba earned an undergraduate degree in Education and graduate degrees in SW History and History of the American West from the Univ. of New Mexico in Albuquerque and moved to Arizona in 1982. For over 35-plus years, Reba has been involved in historical research, writing and publishing, and served on a variety of boards and historical societies all over Arizona. Her good-natured character and wonderful smile were contagious and everlasting. Reba could hardly wait to capture the history of Arizona before the West disappeared and to write about it, talk about it, go out and dig-her-heels-in-the-dirt about it---and bring you into her work in some way, too. She was no stranger to the research and archival reading rooms and reference sections of our state’s historical societies , libraries, archives, and museums. Reba came to know the archivists, librarians, volunteers, and students she met in the course of her research and writing. She easily became their friend—and she engaged you in the sharing of your love of Arizona history with her too. Reba was the Sharlot Hall Award Recipient, 2013. And a part of the Arizona Historical Society Museum/Tucson volunteer team that produced the John and Viola Slaughter Family Exhibit in September 2018. Reba served as director of the Arizona Historical Society Museum in Papago Park, as well as Heritage Fund Planner and Coordinator of the National Register of Historic Places for Arizona with the State Historic Preservation Office. In addition, she served as a member and past president of Westerners International, past Sheriff of the Scottsdale Corral, and a speaker for the Arizona Humanities Road Scholar program. Reba’s Funeral and/or Memorial services are pending. Our condolences to Reba’s family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and all who knew her.

Thanks to Arizona Women's Hall of Fame for much of this information.
To read her complete obituary

Reba Wells Grandrud with Historymakers Polly Rosenbaum and Rose Mofford

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

NHD Project displayed at National Museum of American History

 Having your NHD project displayed at the National Museum of American History. How cool is that? Congrats to Dylan Bagley and Joseph Kim for a great project worthy of public viewing at this prestigious museum.

Their project is Simon: Groundbreaking Technology That Changed Phones Forever.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

NHDAZ students Best-In-State Projects

Kudos to these NHDAZ students for BEST-IN-STATE PROJECTS.

Hanna Nguyen for Sr. Project: A Pivot from Precedence: Roe v. Wade, and Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization

Vaishavi Hariharan : Jr. Website: Muckraking the Meat Industry: How Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle Changed the Food Industry Forever 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

 So proud of these NHDAZ students. Check out the First Place Winners at National Competition from AZ. The Historical League strongly supports National History Day Arizona.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

NHDAZ student Thanvi Vorganti sends Thank You note

 "Hope to do NHD again." Love to hear this from NHDAZ student Thanvi Vorganti.

Dear Mrs. Shumard and Historical League,
I sincerely thank you and the Historical League for your kind contributions regarding our trip to DC. NHD is genuinely a rewarding experience, and I am so glad to have met a diverse group of people at the competition. I truly learned a lot from building the project and working with my partner. Again, I am extremely grateful for all your help this year and hope to do NHD again.
Kind regards,
Thanvi Vorganti
Junior Group Website: The Unconventional Hostess: Eleanor Roosevelt Transforming the Role of First Lady

Thanks from NHDAZ student Emma Weis

 "Passionate about history," exclaims National History Day AZ Student Emma Weiss.

Historical League,
I had so much fun at the national contest. It was amazing to be surrounded by other historians who are as passionate about history as I am. The process of National History Day has helped me develop my research and writing skills which will allow me to succeed in my future education and career. It is a demanding yet rewarding experience that I will always treasure.
Emma Weiss
Senior Paper: General Tso Under Uncle Sam's Boot: The Evolution of Chinese-American Cuisine and Identity in Response to Legislative and Social Sinophobia

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Thank you letter from NDHAZ Max Luo Jr. Documentary

Encouraging words from first time participant in NHDAZ:

Dear Mrs. Shumard, Thank you for giving us a generous cash gift to cover our flights and transportation to and from D.C. I had a really fun time. It was very fun to go through the whole process of NHD, especially in the documentary category. Although I didn't make it to finals, I still very much enjoyed NHD. Plus I went further than I expected in my first year, so I was very excited!
Thank You! 😊
Max Luo Junior Documentary: Challenger Disaster—A Tragedy in Space

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Thanks from NHDAZ student Aarav Senthikumar

 Music to the ears of Historical League members . . . "Thank you for encouraging a love of history in me!"

Dear Mrs. Shumard and the Historical League,
Thank you for the support and the cash gift during NHD. It really meant a lot and helped with traveling!
With your help and guidance, I was able to become a national finalist and learn more about the secrets of Operation Paperclip! Though I did well, I know I need to focus more on impacts, and with your help I will be able to improve next year. I really couldn't have done this without you all.
Touring nationals was fun too! I was able to visit the White House for the first time and see the night lights as well. The building design near the capital was stunning! I got nearly all the NHD buttons too! I was able to talk to all my friends and even the interview was a blast!
Thank you for encouraging a love of history in me!
Special thanks to Mrs. Trepanier, Mrs. Rex, and Mr. Moody
Aarav Senthilkumar
Junior Website: Operation Paperclip: The Turning Point in U.S. Scientific and Technological Research

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thank you from NHDAZ student Adrian Piel

 Reading these thank you notes makes me so proud that we support National History Day AZ.

To the Historical League,
Thank you so much for your help to get to the National Competition for NHD. It was truly an amazing experience: Not only did I get to travel through Washington, D.C. with my friends but I was also able to experience the competition. All in all, it was a successful experience for not only me but others who got to have fun and even get their projects to finals. Without your help this wouldn’t have been possible, and I truly cannot thank you enough!
Adrian Piel
Junior Website: The Unconventional Hostess: Eleanor Roosevelt Transforming the Role of First Lady

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

NHDAZ student Nathan Davies-Venn

 Thank you notes are much appreciated. Here's one from National History Day student Nathan Davies-Venn whose documentary was selected for the African National Museum of American History and Culture, and he also earned honorable mention at Nationals:

I'd like to thank you and the Historical League for the travel funds to assist toward the cost of my NHD travels. I really enjoyed competing in the NHD competition. I learned so much history, from first of all doing my own project and also getting to see the other documentaries in my panel at the National competition. I learned that history is very important as it helps us to understand how things are today. I also had the opportunity to visit the Johns Hopkins Chesney Medical Archives and I met the archivist Teri Hatfeild who assisted me throughout my project. She allowed me the opportunity to tour the archives and I was also able to view the cell feeder and the test tube that Dr. Geys used in the discovery of the HeLa Cells. It was a really fun and cool experience and I am looking forward to doing NHD again in the fall. I have attached some pictures from my trip here for you.
Nathan Davies-Venn - Documentary Henrietta Lacks-The Woman at the Heart of Medicine: Science, Ethics and Race