Sunday, May 18, 2014

Big Thank You to Arizona author Cobe Frobes

An Arizona history supporter, we are so glad to have Cobe Frobes sharing the history and stories in Tastes & Treasures cookbook. As the author of Streets of Forest Highlands, she appreciates a good read. She has sold over 70 cookbooks since March 15.

When asked how she does it, "It is a beautiful book and it sells itself. 
         I do explain that it is helping the Arizona Historical Society. People like that. Then I explain how you divided the state into three sections and selected historic restaurants from each section. I mention El Tovar at the Grand Canyon, Garlands in Sedona, The Camelback Inn, El Chorro's sticky buns, The Arizona Inn and the Copper Queen because I think those might be familiar to them. I tell them the history of the restaurants is included so it's a great book just to read and look at.
          Sometimes I mention that I am friends on facebook with Marshall Trimble and lately he has mentioned the cuts the government has made to the budget.
          (Many of these folks just winter down here from other places.) I like to show a couple [any] of the beautiful pictures because they are all wonderful. Sometimes I mention that a friend of mine once served a dinner party for the family of just salads with recipes that came out of this book. Then I tell them they make wonderful gifts. One friend has 3 daughters-in-law so she bought 4.
           Most of our parties are pot lucks + BYOB. They are at an age where they are not acquiring 'stuff '.  In fact they are trying to get rid of stuff...but they know a value when they see it."

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