Friday, October 5, 2012

Lisa Schnebly Heidinger Guest Speaker

Dee Steen and Margaret Baker have brought us outstanding guest speakers at our monthly Historical League meetings. The October meeting was filled with delightful stories from Lisa Schnebly Heidinger, granddaughter of Sedona Schnebly. Dee presented her with a gift of Arizona Recollections and Reflections, the League's Centennial book.

 Lisa wrote the Centennial book, Arizona 100 Years Grand, filled with photos, stories and timelines of Arizona from 1912 through 2012.

It is a marvelous book printed by O'Neil Printing and Roswell Bookbinding. These are the same two highly qualified businesses who helped us create Arizona Recollections and Reflections An Arizona Centennial Historymakers Commemoration. Both books are leather-bound using the highest quality paper and are officially designated Arizona Centennial Legacy Projects.

Lisa stayed after the meeting to sign her book. It was well received by the League.

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