Saturday, June 1, 2024

Juneteenth volunteers needed


Assistance is needed in the areas listed here:

Saturday, June 15th Volunteers:

Set Up: Set up will take place between 2pm-5pm the day before the event.

Sunday, June 16th Volunteers (9am - 5:30pm):

Greeters: Greeters will be at the front of the museum to hand out programs, count guests, and answer questions about the event.

Table Attendants: Each attendant will assist a section of the museum, including answering questions and crowd control.

Food and Beverage Attendants: Help direct guests to the food and beverage tables and to assist any guests that may need help in getting their food/drinks.

Arts & Crafts Attendants: Support staff with activities and tracking/restocking supplies. Ushers: Assist guests in our main auditorium. Supervise the small auditorium.

Clean Up Crew: Clean up after the event and help tablers to their vehicles. Cleanup crew may need to stay until 6:00 p.m.

Hall Monitors: Monitor the employee/staff/volunteer only areas.
Performance Assistants: Assist staff in running the sound and lights and assisting with

performers. Volunteers in this position must commit to attend at least one dress rehearsal.

If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, fill out our volunteer form and indicate Juneteenth, your area of interest, and the number of hours you are available in the additional information section. This form can also be found under the volunteer section on the AHS website:

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