Monday, May 20, 2024

Cowboy Artists of America 2024

 Cowboy Artists of America began in 1965 with Joe Beeler and 3 others. This organization helped launch the contemporary Western art movement. 1995 AZ Historymaker Joe would be pleased to see the 2024 honorees. Listen to Joe's story at

Formal portrait by Peter Robbins: back row L to R: Brandon Bailey, Dustin Payne, Todd Connor, Chad Poppleton.
middle row: Teal Blake, Jack Sorenson, Tyler Crow, Grant Redden, Alvin Marshall, Albin Veselka, Mikel Donahue, Dave Santillanes.
front row: Bill Nebeker, Martin Grelle, Wayne Baize, Bruce Greene, Phil Epp.
Not pictured are Michael Dudash and Clark Kelley Price.

Joe Beeler 1995 Arizona Historymaker

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